Court Marriages in Jaipur

Court Marriage Expert | Court Marriage Specialist | Court Marriage Advocate

8287921018, 8287921018

₹ 25,000/- ₹ 17,000/- Only for Arya Samaj Marriage + Court Marriage

₹ 15,000/- ₹ 10000/- Only for Arya Samaj Marriage

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    Arya Samaj Marriage & Court Marriage in Jaipur

    We deal with all legal services related to marriage. We are court marriage experts. We have Court Marriage Advocates who are specialists to manage all situtations for tatkal court marriage in 2-3 hours.

    What is Arya Samaj Marriage?

    Arya Samaj Marriage is a simple and easy process to solemnize. It is done under Hindu Marriage Act & Arya Samaj Marriage Validation Act (1937) and couple receives a recognize Arya Samaj Marriage Certificate.

    • Marriage with full Hindu Rituals & Sanskar.
    • Pandit ji follows all rules and rituals.
    • Age of the groom must be 21 and bride 18.
    • Boy and girl should be Hindus, Sikhs, Budhists or Jains either by birth or converted .
    • Any one can perform Arya Samaj Marriage except Muslims, Christians, Parsis or Jews.

    We have an attractive Arya Samaj Mandir in Jaipur.

    • Arya Samaj Mandir is capabale for gathering of 4-100 persons.
    • Very Low Charges start from Rs.10000/-.
    • Above charges include Hawan Samagri, Hawankund, Pooja Samgri.
    • Above charges include all Affidavits procedure.
    • Arya Samaj Mandir is opened 7 days: Monday to Sunday
    • It takes around 1.5 to 2 hours to complete Marriage and all documentary formalities.

    Documents required for Arya Samaj Marriage:

    • Any one Age Proof (Birth Certificate / 10th Certificate / Driving License / Passport / Pan Card)
    • Any one Identity (ID) Proof (Voter ID / Aadhar Card / Driving License / Passport)
    • 4 Passport Size photographs of Bride and Groom
    • Photocopy of Divorce Decree/Order in case of divorce
    • Photocopy of Death Certificate of spouse in case of widow/widower
    • 4 Photocopies of Age proof and ID Proof along with their originals


    • 4 Witnesses are required with their ID Proof – (Voter ID / Aadhar Card / Driving License / Passport).
    • They can be friends, parents, neighbours or relatives.
    • 2 passport size photographs.
    • 2 Photocopies of ID Proof along with its originals.

    Court Marriage in Jaipur

    Court Marriage has become very popular to get a legal document of Marriage. Court Marriage is a union of two souls where an oath ceremony is performed under the Special Marriage Act, 1954. Irrespective of their religion, caste, or faith. The act applies not only to inter-religion but inter-caste marriages as well, help of this Act can also be taken by Indian nationals in foreign countries. The interested parties can directly apply to the Marriage Registrar in order to get a marriage certificate.

    Court Marriage can be done in Jaipur from Monday to Friday (working days) under the following 2 Acts:


    This is Court Marriage without Ceremony/Marriage.

    Both parties are required to be present after submission of documents for issuance of public notice inviting objections. One copy of notice is pasted on the notice board of the office and copy of the notice is sent by registered post to both parties as per address given by them. Registration is done 30-90 days after the date of notice after deciding any objection that may have been received during that period by the SDM. Both parties alongwith three witnesses are required to be present on the date of registration.

    Eligibility for Court Marriage without Ceremony/Marriage:

    • One of the applicants must be an Indian citizen.
    • If one of boy and girl is not Indian then there will be additional charges.
    • One of the applicants must have address proof of Delhi.
    • Male must be minimum 21 years old and female must be minimum 18 years old.
    • Both male and female can be from any religion. They can be either Hindu or Muslim or Sikh or Christian.

    Documents Required –

    • Any one Age Proof (Birth Certificate / 10th Certificate / Driving License / Passport / Pan Card)
    • Any 2 Identity (ID) Proof (Voter ID / Aadhar Card / Driving License / Passport / PANCARD)
    • 4 Passport Size photographs of Bride and Groom
    • Photocopy of Divorce Decree/Order in case of divorce
    • Photocopy of Death Certificate of spouse in case of widow/widower
    • 4 Photocopies of all Proofs along with their originals
    • Affirmation by the parties that they are not related to each other within the degree of prohibited relationship defined in the Special Marriage Act


    • 3 Indian Witnesses who can be from any side and they can be friends, neighbors, relatives or parents.
    • They must have their one ID Proof (Voter ID / Aadhar Card / Driving License / Passport) and PANCARD.
    • They must have their 2 passport size photographs.
    • 2 Photocopies of all Proofs along with its originals.

    Charges – Rs.17000/-

    • Including all documentary formalities, 2 Appearances


    This is Court Marriage with Ceremony/Marriage.

    Marriage/Ceremony is done in the Arya Samaj Mandir, Gurudwara, Banquets, Community Halls, etc. and the same is Court Marriage is done under section 8 of the Hindu/Compulsory Marriage Act-1955 in the presence of Registrar/SDM of Marriage appointed by the Jaipur Govt. without giving any notice to the parents of the parties.

    • Both Arya Samaj Marriage and Court Marriage are done same day in 2-3 hours.

    Eligibility for Court Marriage with Ceremony/Marriage:

    • One of the applicants must be an Indian citizen.
    • One of the applicants must have address proof of Rajasthan.
    • Male must be minimum 21 years old and female must be minimum 18 years old.
    • Male and Female should be Hindus, Sikhs, Budhists or Jains either by birth.

    Documents Required –

    • Any one Age Proof (Birth Certificate / 10th Certificate / Driving License / Passport / Any School Class Certificate)
    • Any one Identity (ID) Proof (Voter ID / Aadhar Card / Driving License / Passport)
    • 6 Passport Size photographs of Bride and Groom
    • Photocopy of Divorce Decree/Order in case of divorce
    • Photocopy of Death Certificate of spouse in case of widow/widower
    • Wedding Card / Arya Samaj Marriage Certificate / Gurudwara Marriage Certificate
    • 4 Photocopies of all Proofs along with their originals.
    • 1 Postcard-size Wedding Photo


    • 4 Indian Witnesses who can be from any side and they can be friends, neighbors, relatives or parents.
    • They must have their one ID Proof (Voter ID / Aadhar Card / Driving License / Passport).
    • They must have their 2 passport size photographs.
    • 2 Photocopies of ID Proof along with its original.


    • Charges for Same Day procedure: Rs.17000/-
    • Including all documentary formalities

    How to get Tatkal Court Marriage including Ceremony/Marriage in a day?

    Tatkal Court Marriage including Ceremony/Marriage can be performed easily, safely & securely in Jaipur. Court Marriage is done under the following Acts:

    • Hindu Marriage Act, 1955,
    • Muslim Marriage Act, 1939,
    • Indian Christian Act, 1939,
    • Parsi Marriage & Divorce Act, 1936

    We have a team of experts who really cooperate to perform the court marriage in Jaipur in one day within 2-3 hours. Both Arya Samaj Marriage and Court Marriage are done in a same day.

    • Arya Samaj Marriage + Court Marriage will be done at Jaipur.
    • It will take maximum 2-3 hours.
    • Marriage can be held from Monday to Friday (Working Days).
    • Any notice or letter is not sent to address of boy and girl.
    • Both Arya Samaj and Court Marriage are processed same day and applicable across the world.

    Eligibility for Tatkal Court Marriage including Ceremony/Marriage:

    • One of the boy and girl must be an Indian citizen and from Rajasthan.
    • If one of boy and girl is not Indian then there will be additional charges.
    • Male must be minimum 21 years old and female must be minimum 18 years old.
    • Male and Female should be Hindus, Sikhs, Budhists or Jains either by birth.
    • Both Arya Samaj and Court Marriage are processed same day and applicable across the world.

    Documents Required –

    • Any one Age Proof (Birth Certificate / 10th Certificate / Driving License / Passport / Any School Class Certificate)
    • Any one Identity (ID) Proof (Voter ID / Aadhar Card / Driving License / Passport)
    • 6 Passport Size photographs of Bride and Groom
    • Photocopy of Divorce Decree/Order in case of divorce
    • Photocopy of Death Certificate of spouse in case of widow/widower
    • Wedding Card / Arya Samaj Marriage Certificate / Gurudwara Marriage Certificate
    • 4 Photocopies of all Proofs along with their originals.
    • 1 Postcard-size Wedding Photo


    • Total 4 witnesses from either side. They can be friends, parents, neighbours or relatives.
    • They must have their Aadhar Card.
    • They must have their 2 passport size photographs.
    • 2 Photocopies of ID Proof along with its original.

    Charges – Rs.17000/-

    • Including all documentary formalities, Arya Samaj Marriage and Court Marriage.

    What People are Saying

    Meet a few of our Clients

    • I am happy to get married under the guidance of JustCourtMarriage lawyer and its staff. They had made all legal processes so simple and easy for me. Simply want to thank to JCM team…

      Ramesh weds Sudha, Delhi

    Level of Service to be paid by client.

    We provide the service which is limited to legal consultancy and documentation for the purpose of court marriage only.

    Our Consultancy includes documents’ inspection and legal guidance to be given to client depending upon his/her religion, nationality and domicile.

    Documentation includes all online and offline work, preparation of all required affidavits, coloured printout of documents, hard copies of passport size photographs, hard copies of marriage ceremony photographs, other required forms to process court marriage application and where it is necessary, arranging of religious marriage in Arya Samaj temple for Hindus, Buddhist, Sikhs, Jains and arranging Nikah in case of Muslims with proof of religious marriage.


    We (Our Experts) do not perform any court marriage on its own and neither has the capability to do so nor it claims so. Sub-divisional Magistrate is the authority to perform court marriage at his/her discretion. However in case performance of court marriage is refused by Sub-divisional Magistrate due to any reason whatsoever, the fee paid by client shall be fully refunded without asking any question.


    The data received from the client such as name, phone number, Mail ID and address etc. are used for communication with the client for the specific service of marriage and the provided data is not sold, leased or rented out to any third party or anyone for consideration or without consideration in any manner whatsoever.

    Arya Samaj Marriage in Jaipur | Court Marriage in Jaipur | Arya Samaj Mandir in Jaipur | Court Marriage Process in Jaipur | Tatkal Court Marriage in Jaipur | Registered Arya Samaj Mandir in Jaipur | Apply for Court Marriage in Jaipur | Instant Court Marriage in Jaipur | Arya Samaj Temple in Jaipur | Tatkal Court Marriage in Jaipur | Marriage in Arya Samaj Mandir Jaipur | Advocate for Court Marriage in Jaipur | Lawyers for Court Marriage in Jaipur